Sunday, October 30, 2011

We Had A Blast At The Boston Type-Out

     Our first type-out held last Saturday at the shop was a success. It was a beautiful late fall afternoon and the sun came out just in time for the party. Lots of people showed up, many with typewriters in hand ready to type away. It didn't take long before we had a good size crowd on the sidewalk. The sight of so many people typing outside on tables stopped traffic and many people out walking by stopped to check us out and even joined in. I had several tables inside the store with lots of vintage typewriters set out and encouraged people to pick one out and go outside and type. We had food and drinks set up inside the shop and also on a table outside. My wife Anne Marie, and daughter Emma, came early with the coffee, goodies, tables and chairs. Abraham and Angelika also came early to help me set up tables and chairs outside and rearrange the shop. Angelika's QWERTY cookies were a big hit. They looked so awesome, everyone was afraid to eat them at first.


Moxie was the unofficial soft drink of the Boston Type-Out, courtesy of my splendid friends from Maine. 

While the tables were full outside, many came inside to check out the shop.
      Many customers came to the type-out and brought a friend with them. It was a lot fun to see so many people typing together. Everyone was mixing and mingling and trying out everyone else's typewriter. Typewriters were getting passed back and forth across the table like a bowl of mashed potatoes at a Sunday dinner. A reporter from a Boston newspaper was there interviewing everyone. Her story should be out in a week or two. A grand entrance was made by Dave, a customer who bought a Remington 5 from me last year, on a bicycle that was eight feet tall. He named his bike Waldorf, after the world's tallest man. I have a 30 second  video of him leaving the type-out on Waldorf. I'll post the video on next weeks blog along with more pictures. Many people emailed me their pictures of the type-out and I'll post them next week too. They also said they can't wait for the next type-out, which will be a type-in if we do it later on this winter. Possibly at a pub in Cambridge.

Angelika types a letter on her favorite Bing No.2

     I hope these pictures can give you some idea of the fun we all had. This all came together on two weeks notice. It was well attended for such short notice. Next time I'll plan ahead more. I'd like to thank all who attended. I think everyone had a fabulous time and would come to the next one. A special thank you goes out to Abraham and Angelika for all their help and support. An extra special thank you to my wife and daughter for everything and supporting my business that's way more than just a job. The best compliment I got was from my teenage daughter who after the type-out said, "Dad, the type-out was way more fun than I thought it would be". That's as good as it gets.
     Well that's it for this week. Thanks for checking it out. Everyone have a wonderful week.  


  1. Wow look at all those smiles! I proclaim this to be the most successful typewriter gathering thus far! I feel I really missed out on something.

  2. I was about to say, "What happened to all the snow?" but obviously this occurred last weekend or the weekend before. Darn! Wish I had been there! Someday I'll get up there to visit you.

  3. What an event! There's something surreal - performance art? - about photos of a bunch of people at trestle tables typing on the pavement/sidewalk. Superb photos, great community of enthusiasts and... that Oliver in your window... it wouldn't last five minutes if I had to walk past it every day.

  4. I do hope this public spirit translates into even greater success for you and your business. How I wish we had someone like you in Houston! BTW your store is very attractive; I really like stores that have inset front doors, welcoming people in like open arms. Thanks for the photos! Richard K in Texas

  5. Looks wonderful! When are you coming to Idaho?!!!

  6. Notagain- I wish everyone on the typosphere could come to the type-out. That would be fun.

    Martin- The type-out was on the 22nd, a beautiful day. I wish you were there too. Also, you were right on the last post- a Royal Futura 800.

    Rob- Thanks, glad you liked it! That Oliver in the window was given to me by a priest who made me promise to always keep in the window for everyone to admire.

    Richard K. in Texas- Thanks for your comments. Glad your enjoyed.

    STUFFellaneous- I think we should take the type-out on the road. Coming to a town near you SOON!

  7. Wonderful! You even impressed a teen, and that's not easy.

    Really sweet little red Olympia SF, by the way.

  8. I'll second the comment on impressing teenage daughters. That is...uh.. impressive!

    I also like the red SF and have a totally illogical love of Olivers. I'm holding out for an Oliver 3 because of all the exposed bits and the corporate side plates.

  9. People just do not see so happy using a PC.
    Wonderful event and hope it grows.

  10. What a lovely gathering! Everyone looks so excited and happy to be there. I'm glad the event was such a success and hope there will be many more; I agree that it bodes well for the future of your business! Perhaps your teenage daughter will be inspired to carry on the mantle :)

  11. Qwerty cookies AND the chance to get some vitamin D!
    Boy, wish I'd been there...
    Congrats on the good weather as well...

    Cheers and will be sending another machine to your typewriter spa and gym shortly--just have to decide which one.

    --michael mcgettigan/aka phillytyper

  12. I chime in with the others who expressed the desire to be there; it looks like you all had a wonderful time!

    It makes me think that if a typewriter enthusiast had unlimited funds, he/she could tour the USA with a bunch of typewriters, hosting Type-Ins & Type-Outs wherever there was interest.

    "Typewriters: Coming to a town near you"!

    Wouldn't that be great?

  13. Hey! That's me! It was a wonderfully nice time meeting machines and people known only through their words and typefaces. And gorgeous weather, despite preceding a blizzard by only one week. The event reveals my good fortune. I used to envy the Northwest for its typospheric mojo. Now I realize how beneficent is the typewriting community right here at home. Thank you, Tom and friends. I can't wait for the winter type-in.

  14. Now that looks like so much fun! And happily it was happening before the snowstorm. I missed the type-out but not the snow storm. Had to high-tail it back to SF to get warm. But darn--that type-out looked fun. (And I know who brought the Moxie!) I have one of your beauties sitting right here in SF and use it all the time.

  15. Richard- Thank you for the browser tip. It did the trick. The red SF is real sweet.
    Adwoa- my daughter loves coming to the shop and I'm teaching her how to clean typewriters.
    Mike- Thanks for the good wishes. Matt told me about your 1st anniversary type-in next month. Congrats right back at you.
    Cameron- A traveling type-in show would be the coolest.
    Joe- I'm so glad you made it. I've always thought that the Boston area was a typewriter oasis. Events like this prove it.
    Pamela- Too bad you never made it into the shop. I'm sure you would have loved it. Glad you're still using the Royal.

  16. WOW, looks like everyone had a wonderful time! Wish I could have been there. Keep up the good work!

    Chris (Podunk, Ohio)

  17. Superb-looking event - Type-Ins are always exciting. (:

    Also, your shop is quite inviting - If I'm ever in Boston, I'll have to stop by and visit the famous Boston Typewriter Wrangler!

  18. This event had all the makings of a hit, not surprised to hear it was fun and well-attended. Would have given my right arm to drop in!

  19. Do it at the Burren! The Boston Typewriter Orchestra will play if we're free.

  20. Munkeh & Ted- Thanks for the nice comments. If your ever in Boston, do drop in.

    Strikethru- Have you thought about planning a vacation around a type-in? Just a thought.

    Giordana- What a great idea. Wouldn't be until the middle of winter. I love the Davis Square area.
