Saturday, September 20, 2014

Best Type-Out Ever!

People just beginning to show up.

Waiting for the typing contest to begin.

The handsome guy on the left is Bill, he's been a typewriter repairman for over fifty years.



  1. Congratulations on the successful type-out. Always good seeing people enjoying a typewriter. Also good that there were some young future typsist there. I hope they get their Rocket.

  2. Fifty people! Quite the event. I can tell from the pictures everybody had a great time. Till next one I guess!

  3. Very cool, Tom! That's fantastic.

  4. It was great fun as always!! Thanks so much for going to all the fuss to make this happen!

  5. Wonderful! Thanks for letting us all be virtual attendees.

  6. Added to !
    I've consolidated all of the Boston area type-outs to a section grouped with the rest of the serial type-ins that happen at specific cities. Let me know if I've missed any links to blog or news reports about the Type-Outs, and I'll add them. (:

  7. Tom, thanks for the report on your type-out, awesome as always. It's great to hear that MIT and Harvard folks joined in the fun!

  8. Tom, thanks so much for organizing the event. I am the creative-writing-teaching first-timer, and I enjoyed talking to you, your wife, and your daughter. Really nice folks, all around. Best wishes.

  9. To Everyone: Thanks for all your generous comments. Words and pictures do not fully convey how much fun these typewriter parties are. You should really check it out if one comes to your area.

    Ted- Thank you so much for organizing the Type-Ins the way you have. My Type-Outs listed are perfect. I hope you know how much we all appreciate the work and effort you put into this and for making the Typosphere the go-to spot for Typewriter information.

  10. That was a great event and so much fun! I was glad to meet so many wonderful people.

  11. Looks like a blast! I won't miss the next one.

  12. Oh shucks, I was going to bring my all upper-case, Friden Flexowriter to your next type-out, until I noticed it is for manual typewriters only. (Just kidding, I live in Phoenix and I don't think any airline would accept one as checked baggage.)
