Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Child's Play

This late 1930's Bantam is in wonderful condition.

The colored glass keys are beautiful.

You can see that many keys are missing. This machine is very stripped down.


  1. Great stuff, great news. I really love that Floyd Gibbons photo -- makes me want to dress up and put on my fedora right now!

    I read up on Gibbons on Wikipedia. Apparently he was trying to make out that ticker tape with his one good glim.

  2. Dig those old photos.

    I can't get enough hearing about your business. There's nothing better than being enthusiastic about going to work and doing something you love to do.

  3. Awesome Bantam. These few typebars looks a bit lost, very unusual.

  4. The Bantam looks pristine. And very attractive with those colored keys against the black frame.

  5. Richard- Everyone wants those old style fedora's. Never thought to check out Mr. Gibbons, way to go!

    Streamlinesdeluxe- Thanks. I often say I would do this job for free if money didn't matter.

    machinengeschrieben- The Bantam is probably the most stripped down machine I ever saw. I just acquired a Remie Scout that comes close.

    Ton- Thanks! It really is a looker. I like the type too.
