About this blog

This blog is about the daily activities in a busy typewriter shop. I want to share with you the many interesting people who come in here, the beautiful machines I get and most of all the great typewriter stories that people share with me!

Friday, January 5, 2018


This 1929 Remington No.3 went to a very happy lady!

Unbelievably, I had two of these for sale last month.

I had four of these Clippers to sell, all in great condition.

This L.C. Smith No. 2 sold instantly.

Also sold four of these Super Sterlings in blue and green.

Five of these Corsairs in different colors sold.

Also several Royal P's in different colors

A few QDL's in 30's and 40's styles went.

Two Royal 10's in great shape snapped up.

A whole bunch of SCM's of all models

A few Underwood portables sold for presents.

Several Royal Safari's of different colors sold as well.

This minty green Remington going to a young writer.

This was a customer repair but I had to show you it.

This 1961 Optima Super is just fabulous!!!

                                                               THE END


  1. Congratulations on the movie credit! I've got to watch it. Congratulations also on such a successful Christmas season. Those were some beautiful typewriters. Mrs. would have scooped up the Remington (her favorite color) at first glance and I've been wanting a Clipper. Now that we are in the North again I thought we may make the festival, but not so. Daughter's wedding is the same week.

    1. Hi Bill, congrats on your daughter's wedding coming up. Sorry we can't meet then. Perhaps some other time. Happy New Year!

  2. Happy New Year! I have a machine to bring in for cleaning but I didn't dare until after Christmas! Oh, and thanks for the Save the Date -- sounds like fun!

    1. Thanks Janet, Looking forward to seeing you soon!!

  3. Congrats on the excellent Christmas and film activity! (:
    Best of fun with the QWERTY Fest!

  4. Your blog posts always bring delight. Congratulations on your contributions to Wormwood!

  5. No shift keys on that Quiet De Luxe! Is it the one Peter found?

    1. Good eye. But no, it's a customer repair. It is a caps only type QDL.

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